Sunday, April 6, 2008

Conference Weekend

I love conference weekend!

Scott and I were the only ones home for the morning session and I was so touched by the spirit when were were able to stand and sustain Pres. Monson as our Prophet.

Mike and Brooke had tickets to the 2nd session and they took Kylie with them.

As our tradition us girls went to Olive Garden for girls night out, we invited Brooke with us and we were able to get to know her better. As you can see by the pictures, I don't think she will have any problems fitting in with Kylie and Sharlene.

We went to Tai Pan for some shopping and well lets say the girls didn't' shop much. But they did have alot of fun! And before you think Tami has her camera again. It was Sharlene's and the girls begged me to take the pictures.

When we got home the boys were there from priesthood and Mike and Jeff were playing wii In their Sunday clothes still on.

Mike still hates to lose, so he was not a huge fan of the wii sports!
This was his first time playing it, while the others have been playing it for a few weeks.

1 comment:

swimmergirl said...

WE'RE SO HOTT!!!!! Just thought i'd inform you of how wonderful we are. :):)