Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Early Christmas!!

Its that time of year, where Sharlene and I

bust out the Christmas music and get hyped for

Christmas. And yes I know its only November.

But we are die hards!! But Sharlene got an early

Christmas present last week. She would have

gotten it on Christmas, but they were on

clearance at Wal-Mart and we wanted to start

using it now. So I painstakingly spent a couple of

hours putting it together. And it was worth it. The

machine is really nice, gives me a good work out,

and Sharlene likes it (I guess that's the important part).

Now if only I can get my X-Box 360 early. :)

1 comment:

The Hamptons said...

Merry Christmas Sharlene! Jeff You have to wait till Christmas for the x-box!